Due do difficulty students encounter in reading or completing syllabus before exam day , we've been able to profer solutions and techniques you can use to pass without much reading .
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Paying Attention in Class
Sit near the front. Get to class five minutes early so you can find a seat near the front. Find a seat in one of the first three rows. By sitting in the front, you will be able to see and hear your teacher better. This way, you can pick up on your teacher’s verbal and visual cues that communicate which parts of the lecture material are the most important.[1]
Additionally, try sitting in the same seat every time. Sitting in the same seat may help trigger your memory on exam days.
Minimize distractions. Make sure to put away any distractions like phones, computers, iPads and other electronic devices. If you have to, put your phone on silent or turn it off. This way, you can give your teacher and the class material your full attention.[2]
Additionally, try to avoid sitting near people who do not pay attention during class since this can be distracting as well.
Take good notes. Come up with a note-taking system that works for you. Make an outline, type your notes on a computer, draw diagrams, or record the lecture (if it is allowed). Also, don’t write down everything the teacher says. Instead, write down keywords, short sentences of the main ideas, and examples the teacher uses to explain difficult concepts.[3]
Additionally, write your notes in your own words by rephrasing what your teacher says when they pause. This will help you remember important concepts better on test day.
Abbreviate words so you can take faster notes, and try to use them consistently so you won’t get confused.
Ask questions. Whenever you don’t understand a concept, or the teacher says something that is not clear, ask questions to clear up your confusion. Ask the teacher to use a different example or to explain the concept differently. You can also ask clarifying questions about your notes.[4]
For example, “Mr. Roberts, in my notes it says that a well-structured essay contains at least five components—an introduction, three supporting paragraphs and a conclusion. Is this correct, or am I missing anything important?”
If your teacher talks fast, don’t be afraid to ask them to slow down or repeat what they just said.
Getting the Most Out of Your Class Time
Go to every class. Make sure to attend every class, lab or discussion, even if it is not required. If you skip a class, you may miss out on important information, which is something you cannot afford if you do not plan on studying much.[5]
For example, during class, your teacher may give hints about what material will be on the test.
Additionally, by attending optional labs or class discussions, you may be able to get some one-on-one time with your teacher. Use this time to ask your teacher questions about class materials, tests and even extra-credit opportunities.
Discuss topics with your classmates. Compare your notes with one or two other students in the class who also pay attention, take good notes and ask questions. Discuss discrepancies in your notes and abstract topics to deepen your understanding of the course material.[6]
Discussing things out loud will also help you create associations between your personal experiences and the course material, which will help you remember important ideas on exam day better.
Image titled Pass a Class Without Really Studying Step 7
Participate in class discussions. Whenever your teacher puts you and your classmates into groups to discuss topics, make sure to take advantage of this time to work out complex ideas. Additionally, when your teacher asks the class questions, try to answer them even if you are unsure of the answer. This way, you can test your knowledge to see what you think you know and what you actually know.
Talk to your teacher. Don’t forget to introduce yourself to your teacher. Let your teacher know what you hope to learn from the class. Also ask your teacher about their teaching style. This will help you prepare for class and take better notes during class.[8]
Make sure to use your teacher’s office hours, or to speak with them after class if they don’t have office hours. Use this time to clarify concepts, ask for feedback on your notes (or essays and exams), and to discuss topics of interest.
Alternatively, meet and talk with the teaching assistant (TA) if you are uncomfortable with or intimidated by talking to your teacher.
Creating Links Between Information
Ask yourself questions as you learn. Do this as you take notes in class and learn new concepts. This way, you can make associations between what you already know and what you are learning. When test day comes, the associations will help you remember the material better.[9]
Ask yourself, "How does this concept relate to something I already know?" "Does it relate to other data, observations, stories or subjects?" or "How does this information relate to the information that I have been learning in class so far?"
Additionally, when you learn a new concept, make sure to ask yourself if you understand it. If you don't understand the concept, then ask yourself more questions about how it fits into what you are learning.
Draw a concept web. As you begin to associate new concepts with things you already know, draw webs to illustrate their relationship to each other. Start by writing the new concept in the middle of your notes and draw a circle around. Then draw lines straight out from the circle to create connections to related concepts; these are your secondary concepts. Draw circles around the secondary concepts and create connections to tertiary concepts. Keep doing this until your run out of associations.
Use metaphors to connect unlike concepts. Metaphors will help you connect seemingly different ideas and concepts to each other. This is a powerful way to remember complex ideas.[11]
If you are learning about economic cycles, then try relating it to the formation of a wave in the ocean. For example, as waves slowly form, reach a peak and then crash, so does the economy.
Minimizing Studying
Use songs, rhymes, or acronyms to strengthen your memory. Use a familiar or catchy tune to make a song out of new ideas and concepts. You can also use rhymes and acronyms to help you remember new material better. Repeat the rhyme or song to yourself throughout the day. This way, when test day comes, you can rely on these mnemonic techniques to help you remember the important information.[12]
Make a song out of the important concepts to the tune of the ABC's or Itsy Bitsy Spider, for example.
Review your notes before class. The night before class or right before, take ten to fifteen minutes to review your notes from previous classes. Use this time to pinpoint concepts that are still confusing or vague. Write down questions that you can ask your teacher to clear up your confusion.[13]
Additionally, write down your reactions or thoughts to the course material. Bring these up in class to engage and create a discussion with your classmates and the teacher. This will help crystalize important concepts and ideas.
Complete your homework assignments. Do this whether it is pre-reading the material, or completing worksheets or practice quizzes. Completing your homework assignments will allow you to assess how well you know the material. It will also help reinforce the material you already understand.[14]
As you do your homework, write down questions that you have about concepts that you can bring up in class.
Seek out extra credit opportunities. A few extra points on your exams or final grade may make a big difference between passing and failing a class. Scan your syllabus to see what extra credit opportunities are available. If none are listed, then ask your teacher if they plan to announce any opportunities throughout the semester.[15]
If your teacher does not plan on giving extra credit, try asking if you can write an essay about a topic, or a discussion or film that pertains to the course material for extra credit.
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