It was a drama at the commencement of the day with the just finished 500level students not being released... They then deployed the method of locking all school gate to avoid entry into the school primises..

The gate under pressure was finally opened for activities after the intervention of the police....

Getting to the matriculation hall it was already filled up with students,staffs and parent who were waiting for the vc's arrival for the program...
Our team could not gain access to the hall but we monitored all the events that happened inside....The matriculants were admonished to be of Good behavior and shun immorality.. It was ended by the school and national anthem

It was time to take photographs all photographers ready to take in their clients and satisfy them with their pleasing backgrounds and it was fun pictures below....

All thought it wouldn't be possible but it was... By 2pm all matriculants rushed to the lab to have their practicals....
Although churches and organization never stopped their service for freshers but at the end it was rounded up

And the MATRIC ended all parents and we'll wishers went back to their base and we thank God for journey mercies for all....